Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

Layered Drinks

We love holidays around here and we love celebrating with good food and great drinks! These fun layered drinks are sure to be a hit at your Fourth of July bash and have your guests wondering how the heck you did it! Want to know how to get those crisp layers without mixing all your colors into one big mess? Keep reading and we'll spill all the tips and tricks to getting it right (because trust us.....we got a few wrong trying).

The big trick to layered drinks is the sugar content and lots and lots of ice. You need to choose 2 or 3 beverages with varying sugar contents (for example: 30 g sugar, 15 g and 0 g). Fill your cup or drink dispenser all the way to the top with ice. Don't skimp and don't skip this step. This is important because it is going to be a shield to prevent your colors from mixing. You are going to layer your beverages by sugar content with your zero calorie beverage being the last to go in. Fill your cup or container approximately 1/3 full of your beverage with the highest sugar content. Pour the next beverage in very, very slowly; making sure to pour it directly onto an ice cube. This will cause the beverage to lightly trickle down around the ice instead of swirling down and mixing with the previous drink. Lastly, pour your zero or very low calorie beverage on top. 

In the example above I used Sobe Pina Colada (25g), Hawaiian Punch Polar Blast (15g) and Powerade Zero Fruit Punch flavor (0g). 

For my sons Eagle Court of Honor I made a layered drink in a large, clear canister following the same instructions as above. That time I used Fruit Punch on the bottom, Blueberry Pomegranate Gatorade (the regular sure not to use the G2 unless using for a top layer, because it is low sugar) and Sprite Zero for the top layer.

Although I used red, white and blue as my colors in both these examples, you could get creative and try other colors if using for a baby shower or other holiday. Just be sure to vary your sugar content and go crazy with the ice! Give these fun layered drinks a try and you're sure to impress your guests at your Fourth of July bash this year! 

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